Yet again, and possibly unnoticed by all, I have returned from a short absence. We drove Friday afternoon southwest to Birmingham Alabama. I can't say much for Birmingham. That city, the downtown part at least, irritated the living hell out of me. If you are ever there and on any avenue North and are looking for any avenue South, drive the streets in descending order until you reach First Avenue North, cross the bridge to find First Avenue South, then proceed in ascending order to your street. Whoever Momma talked to on the phone from Sol y Luna was extremely friendly and helpful in getting us to their eatery, and the food was great. Maybe if I lived there, the city would eventually make sense, but it really does seem like more of a driving through kind of state as opposed to a living in kind.
Momma and her Hard Knox Rollergirls teammates had their very first match Sunday night. I'm going to devote a post to that, but I'm not sure how I want to go about it. There is a lot of anger and disappointment over the debacle. My voice is shot from screaming encouragement to some awesome girls that fought a hard battle. I'm proud of everyone of them, and I oddly feel a little more personally invested in the Hard Knox girls.
We missed visiting the Civil Rights Institute because they are closed on Monday. We didn't hit more than one of the restaurants on our list of places to try. We drank from the gas station, so instead of good beer I floated myself in Miller High Life. We, not my family personally but some of the girls, got a warning or several from the hotel management. We left about a metric shit ton of trash.
I got two phone calls while we were driving down Friday having to do with Big Brother's soccer team and my own soccer team. Big Brother and I can start practice as soon as I can get the team info and our practice field. That means that our season shouldn't be much more than a month away. My own team had a practice on Sunday night, so I can pay my fee and get to work hurting myself. Speaking of hurts, Momma has a doozy of a hematoma on her thigh and another on her elbow. There are probably some smaller ones that she has yet to notice.
Momma has driven to her momma's house to pick up our dog. Here's my big thanks to Maw-n-law for dog sitting. I'm really not a dog person in any sense of the word, so travelling with a beast in the car is a no go in my world. As soon as she is back, I'm going to run somewhere and get us some food. I'm ending here, but I've got at least two posts stewing in my head.
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