Monday, January 01, 2007

first post of '07

No one is really certain when Hank Williams died. He was placed in the back seat of a Cadillac on New Years Eve 1952, given a shot of vitamins and morphine and was one his way, driving to a show in Ohio. He never made it, his young chauffeur noticing that he had died when they stopped in West Virginia. That was around three in the morning, new year's day.

Hank had a number of problems throughout his life, and like many great artists, much of what he endured could be said to be somewhat his own fault. That morphine didn't do itself.

It's impossible to accurately judge the far reaching effects of Hank Williams' few short years. His songs, over fifty years later, still have a power that few singers and/or songwriters can claim. He's moved more people than Greyhound buses.

My first post of the new year is a video of Hank doing Cold, Cold Heart. I really wanted to find a video of his song Never Get Out Of This World Alive, his very last hit. None of us are going to make it out alive, but it has a special poignancy that Hank's last hit was followed by his leaving us. At least he finally quit hurting.

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