Friday, December 28, 2007

should actually be doing something

Another gray and drizzly day here,. Momma is at work till five-ish after which we drop off the dog for her brothers to watch while we haul ass south. My family celebrates Christmas Saturday this year.

I have six brothers. They are all married with children, and as the years pass, we've learned as a family that it's so much easier to let our Christmas happen at another date. Last year, if I remember correctly, our Christmas didn't actually happen till after the new year, and that's okay. It really is just easier. We're still getting to see each other and eat too much even if the actual calendar holiday was a week or so prior.

For a few years, the brothers and wives would all draw names for gift giving, but at some point, as the number of our children hit the teens, we decided to just put everyone that isn't our mother and father into the hat. Now we all draw names.

So my family of four has four names. That means that I get to do shopping for them as Momma has already done as much of that as she can handle. At least when she went she didn't have Big Brother and The Boy with her, but I also got to do mine after Christmas. So I can't really complain, but that's never stopped me before.

In addition to all the post Christmas mess that we really should have cleaned by now, we also have a small pile of wrapped gifts waiting to drive down to Atlanta with us tonight. I need a shower and to pack clothes for me and the boys. I'm putting that off while I get enough coffee in me to face the day, the cold, wet, dreary day.

I love seeing my family and wish we could head south more than once a year. I do have to admit that this may be the last truly comfortable trip. I fully expect to continue keeping my secret from them for a little while at least, but as we look toward the new year and wonder what it holds, I must admit that I just don't know.

And now the time has come. I'm near the bottom of my cup, that point where there is no more coffee floating brown and tasty above the black, gritty silt at the bottom. I'm sure there are some horrid cartoons just waiting for the boys eager eyes.


Audubon Ron said...

Happy New Year Sammy

Ren Allen said...

Happy New Year! Now *I* wanna know the secret. wah.;)

I was in line at Barbaritos in JC on Friday and I could hear this Dad behind me in line, being really sweet with his kids. Funny and sweet. When I left I looked to see who it was but the Mum had already sat down and I could have sworn the guy looked like one of your pics at myspace. Didn't realize that until half way down the road. You guys weren't in JC on Friday, were you?

samuel said...

'fraid it wasn't us. We didn't even leave the house Friday.

As for the secret, that you may likely already know, you can take your pick, gay or atheist. I have one brother that reads the blog and knows, but he's been kind enough not to share with the rest of the family.

Ren Allen said...

Well, I already knew you were an atheist. I assumed you were bi-sexual actually, but assuming is dangerous so I left my mind open for whatever I would learn from you.:)

Cheers my friend. Hope your year is full of intersting experiences and rich in abundance of all kinds. 2008 is almost here. I am going to be the mother of an 18 year old. I really that old!??

Ren Allen said...

Well, you probably know from my other comments that I finally caught up on your past blogposts which revealed all.:)
Silly, silly me....