Thursday, April 10, 2008


I posted yesterday about words without giving some credit to a blogger Mike who posted a blog along similar lines which was part what put the subject on my mind. I meant to thank him then for the blog fodder and to tip the ol' hat in thanks.

He posed a question concerning whether calling people certain things was okay in the office environment. I personally assume offices are generally quiet, passive aggressive places, but most of what I assume I know about them comes from tv or movies, most notably the movie Office Space.

I've never in my life worked in an office. My very first job was busing table in a restaurant, and since then, probably 90% of the jobs I've held have been in restaurants. There have been brief forays in light construction and the several months I worked as a DJ in a titty bar, but really, I'm a restaurant lifer.

Restaurant culture is totally different from any other job. I'm not going to point out how different or why different, just accept that I'm right. We are a different sort of folk, and I feel that the very nature of the work demands something so different from other work that it really does require a different sort of folk.

And part of that is the ability to at least accept the foulness and vulgarity if not the ability to deal it out as best you can. It's generally good natured and often has extreme homoerotic overtones if not a little bit of homophobia. Again, I'm not really going too deeply into that either.

Really, the whole point of this post is to give Mike credit for planting the seed of the thought that became yesterday's post and to send him some link love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that.

However, I guess I don't need to point out that - if I didn't work in an office setting, I never would have asked the question.

I've worked in both restaurants (straight) and bars (gay). There are things I would have said to coworkers in both - that I wouldn't say in the other.

It's a matter of knowing where you are when you are saying something possibly offensive.

Even in a moment of anger.