Thursday, October 05, 2006


One of these days, I'm going to make a real effort to not be such a lazy procrastinator. I know for a fact that I've said those same words before, many times over the years in fact. Yet saying and doing are really not the same thing.

The current bit of not doing involves Big Brother's birthday party. He is currently mere hours away from being eight years old. The party is mostly planned, and I've IMed a parent to invite his daughter since her invitation is still sitting on the desk, right in front of me, with no address. He did email his address to Momma, but since she doesn't check her email that often, we had to find alternate invite techniques. I'd have called him days ago, but knowing that he works third shift, I'm never eager to call very early in the day.

The party is set for this Saturday, assuming something doesn't come up, and we still haven't gotten all the supplies we will want. That trip is set for later today. I also need to think of something to cook the next two nights to add to the list Momma is going out to purchase.

It seems every year we are running around at the last minute to figure out his birthday. Last year got so bad that we just took him shopping for gifts. This year we actually have all them purchased or ordered as of now, but his big gift, somewhere en route we hope, is on order and will arrive sometime.

We had actually planned to plan a decent party. We were going to do it at a local roller skating rink, and we were going to plan it early enough so we could save enough money for the party. That didn't happen, and now that option is off the table. So we are going to do it at a park to avoid having all those kids at the house.

And there is more procrastination in my lack of having gotten the house presentable. It wouldn't be that hard to maintain, but I don't seem to do things that way. From the yard work to the house cleaning, I'm very adept at allowing things to get way out of hand before I fix them. And sadly, I know how much easier maintenance is versus huge cleaning jobs or mowing grass that's grown over a foot tall.

Maybe I'll just keep enjoying being a lazy bastard for a couple more months. I'll be overly lazy in an attempt to rid my system of the lazy procrastinatory leanings, then, with the new year, I will resolve to stop being so lazy. And then all my problems will be solved. Yeah, that's what I'll do, and future parties for the boys will be so well planned and executed that people will be astounded at the glory of it all.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

BTW, we'll be there. Love the Harry Potter invitation.